Is Alzheimer's actually Diabetes Type 3?

Are you concerned about Alzheimer's and want to understand more about how to prevent it? One important aspect to consider is that this disease may be related to impaired glucose metabolism. When glucose is well regulated in the body, the cells are able to receive the raw materials needed to make energy.  In the body, glucose is powerful converted to energy efficiently when oxygen is present. This energy helps the brain to work properly. 

Glucose is the brain's main fuel source! Keeping glucose access steady means healthy brain chemicals and the prevention of degeneration in the brain. Have you ever felt that you are low in blood sugar? What is the first sign and experience? Feeling shaky and out of it? This is a dramatic sign of what happens when the brain is not getting enough fuel to operate. In the short-term, this can cause difficulty in focusing and even affect the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. 

Long term starvation of glucose and oxygen can lead to brain changes that can potentially be the first brain changes of Alzheimer's or dementia. People with diabetes who are insulin dependent are 4 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's. 

It is important for everyone to consider optimizing their insulin levels, even if you do not have diabetes. This will help to optimize brain performance - and overall body health. To learn more about the principles of blood sugar management, check out our Practitioner Level series and also the work of Dr. Neal Barnard in his book, "Reversing Diabetes". 

On your Genius, be sure to utilize these libraries:

Diabetes Series

Pancreas Harmonizing