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Library Discount Club

A FREE library every month, discounts, coupons, and so much more!

Did you know that you could purchase libraries at any time with a special 20% discount? And that you could receive a $97 coupon each and every month toward a library of your choice? With our Library Discount Club, you receive all of these and more! You even get an additional Bonus Library in a cutting edge wellness topic and access to an exclusive class about how to use your new library.

What you get with the Library Discount Club membership:

  • 20% Discount on all libraries all the time!

  • A $97 coupon issued each and every month. Use the coupon toward any library of your choice.

  • Cutting edge wellness created just for our Library Discount Club Members. Past libraries have included the Body Repair Codes, Discover the Root Cause, Energy Flow Activation Frequencies and more!

  • Access to all the exclusive bonus classes we have done in the past. Check out the list of classes here: Library Discount Club Classes

Recent libraries included in library discount club membership:

Ready to join?

Want even more exclusive club info? Check out our Business Membership too!

Grow your own business with the Genius. Learn more about our Business Membership Club and how to incorporate the Genius into your business today. Combine your Library Discount Club with the Business Membership for a special discounted deal of just $77/month here.

Join all 3 clubs - Library Discount Club, Business Membership, and our Process Club! This will allow you to boost your library count with significant discounts, build your business, and expand your knowledge on processes. Join all 3 clubs with the Premium Gold Membership ($99/month)