Could an inflamed gut be contributing to back pain?

During our weekly Genius Biofeedback Live class (free every week - sign up at, we did a scan on one of the Genius Practitioners. She reported that back pain was an ongoing issue. She also let us know that she was concerned that her diet might be contributing or related in some way to the ongoing pain. So, is there a connection? Yes! 

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It turns out that certain foods, as well as the state of our digestive system, can contribute to an increased experience of pain anywhere in the body. This is because the consumption of certain foods can increase inflammatory substances in the body. It is inflammatory substances, such as leukotrienes and prostaglandins, will cause you to experience more pain. 

Here is a list of pro-inflammatory foods:

  • Red meat
  • Pork 
  • Fried foods 
  • Refined sugar
  • Alcohol
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Pastries, sugared cereals, processed foods like cookies (store bought)

These foods cause the increase of substances in the body like arachadonic acid. In turn, something like arachadonic acid will cause the production of leukotrienes and other pain substances. If you already have some back injury or issue, you may experience more pain or irritation when consuming these foods. 

These pro-inflammatory foods, as well as common allergens such as milk, egg and gluten, can also trigger a process called leaky gut. This happens when a food allergy causes enough irritation to the gut lining to trigger an opening of the tight junctions. This in turn allows larger proteins to enter the bloodstream through the mucosa of the gut and that also leads to more inflammation. 

To assist with this with the Genius, use the following process with these libraries. Use these libraries: Pain Disturbance Harmonization LibrariesInflammation Disturbance Reduction Pack and the Digestive Cleanse Pack

Use the following process for healing chronic pain and healing your digestive system to reduce any inflammation that could contribute to Chronic Pain Stress Disturbances:

Day 1 Digestive Disturbance Digestive Organs, Digestive General Assessment, Digestive Solutions, Bach Flower Essences and Pain Harmonizing 1 Pain Chemistry 

Place all reds and blues into Main Hold Tray. Check the High items and run those frequencies for 15 minutes. 

Day 2 Inflammation Assessment, Inflammation Solutions, Pain Resolution, Pain Solutions, Bach Flower Essences

Place all reds and blues into Main Hold Tray. Check the High items and run those frequencies for 15 minutes.

Day 3 Digestive Disturbance 2 General Assessment, Digestive Disturbance 3 Solutions, Inflammation Solutions, Pain Solutions, Bach Flower Essences 

Place all reds and blues into Main Hold Tray. Check the High items and run those frequencies for 15 minutes.

Optional additions that make can assist in this harmonizing process: Nogiers, Spinal Energy, Solfeggio Frequencies, Neurotransmitters and Essential Oils