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Psychic Attack Shield

Shield your field from psychic attack. This frequency program helps to raise your vibration and shield you from negative and destructive thoughts and forces! Don't leave home without your Shield! These are frequencies that are generated from your Genius...
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Ascension Frequencies

Help to raise your vibration for Ascension with these special frequencies!  Here are some of what is included in this library (not all listed): 5th Dimensional Awareness Align with divinity Been aligned Clear restricting beliefs Embracing the...
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This library includes the following frequencies (This is a sample of the frequencies included): CBCA Cannabichromenic acid THC Tetrahydrocannabinol CBCVA Cannabichromevarinic acid  CBN Cannabinol THCA Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid  CBC...
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Biogenic Amines

There is increasing interest in the interactions among the gut microbiota, gut, and brain, which is often referred to as the “microbiota-gut-brain” axis. Biogenic amines including dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamines are all...
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Biofilm Breakthrough

This library includes the following frequencies (This is a sample of the frequencies included): Andrographis  Black cumin oil Moringa Quercitin Serrapeptidase Sunflower Lecithin RNA Integrity Stevia DNA Repair 528 Hz  Kidney location biofilm...
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