Burnout panel
This one came up immediately for my 79 year old husband who recently had to finish the semester before the Holidays with a slip on Ice! Doing better now not discouraged.
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Here are some of the frequencies included in this library (not all listed):
**The Genius Biofeedback system is a tool for stress reduction and is not intended in any way to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
This one came up immediately for my 79 year old husband who recently had to finish the semester before the Holidays with a slip on Ice! Doing better now not discouraged.
I must say that Beating Burnout frequencies are extremely beneficial at today’s fast paced world. They seem to provide a very calming energetic energy to one’s system leveling out the daily stresses and providing the energy needed through out the day. Also, allowing better sleep at night. This library has now moved into my favorite frequencies list. Thank you!