Additional Info
Seasonal changes, particularly less sunlight during the winter months, can prompt changes in mood including depression and anxiety. These frequencies help to harmonize these ups and downs during this time! Some, but not all, of the frequencies included in this library include:
- Balance Serotonin Levels now 10 Hz
- Clear any agitation caused by seeing the sun for fewer hours durin gthe day 3 Hz
- Clear any anger and mood changes 3.6 Jz
- Clear any anxiety caused by colder temperatures and less sunlight 6130 Hz
- Clear any depression from the field
- Clear any SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder 733 Hz
- Clear tendency to be depressed with weather change 727 Hz
- Emotions are more balanced now and constitution becomes more resilient 20 Hz
- Emotions become more balanced 4.9 Hz
- Experience more calming and reduced anxiety despite experiencing SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
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